
Phonomatik Lab

Man with short, wavy hair and a blue shirt standing against a dark blue textured wall.

AMBEO Expert Stories Phonomatik Lab was born from a simple idea borrowed from the self-proclaimed phonometrician Erik Satie: “ to safeguard music on any possible medium”. To make this dream come true, we use the binaural technology and make our recordings available on Music Inside Records.

The very first time I listened to the KU100, the sound was so organic that I thought there was some kind of mistake and that my headphones had somehow blown off. Balanced tones, respect of the dynamic, musicians positioning - everything was there. I had finally found the secret weapon I had been looking for.

The KU100 ultimately became the centrepiece of our identity as a record label and the binaural technology marks our determination to use technology to better serve Music.

Phonomatik Lab

„The KU100 reveals the very soul of the music.“

Admittedly, the microphone’s positioning is crucial to capture sounds with accuracy, as it used to be the case with the first recordings ever made. And recording sessions can be a real challenge too given the need for absolute silence.

Some of our artists have even sometimes found themselves uncomfortable in front of this cold and mechanical device. But the feeling dissipates rather quickly after listening to the warmth and intimacy created by the immersive experience.

The KU100 reveals the very soul of the music, if you ask me, and adds a blend of magic and authenticity to the recordings. And this is precisely what I am looking for as a producer.


Training on Neumann KU100

Phonomatik Lab, an approved training organization, has teamed up with Sennheiser in order to deliver unique training workshops this Fall, in southern France. 

Please contact us now at training@phonomatiklab.com , to find out about the registration terms.