Artist SpotlightMorgan James
Tue Jan 05 2021
A phenomenal talent whose feel for classic soul music is bone deep...This woman is onfire." -- The New York Times The right vocalist can make you fall in love at first listen, elicit tears, or bring you back to adifferent era altogether. That holds true for New York-based soul singer & songwriter,Morgan James.Her most recent studio album, "Reckless Abandon", is her first as an independent artist,and it is her most personal outing yet, prompting the Huffington Post to call MJ the"Brightest Breakout Artist of the Year". This year, Morgan also took on a full album coverof the Beatlesʼ iconic ‘White Albumʼ to celebrate the 50th anniversary; available on CD,vinyl, digital and full length concept video on her YouTube channel.Morgan recorded two full-length albums with Epic Records: “Hunter”, an album of originalsoul and R&B, and “Morgan James Live”, a tribute to Nina Simone.Morganʼs music videos have accumulated more than 150 million views (and climbing).She is currently touring with her band and in the midst of writing her next album! tickets and updates, please visit www.morganjamesonline.com.