Planning a broadcasting event that is made for an audience around the globe? Whether it is the Olympics, a TV show or the Eurovision Song Contest, portuguese company Auditiv is the best partner to deliever the biggest sound to the biggest shows.
“I have always loved systems. I can see the systems in my head. So for me, it’s easy to imagine the show in my head beforehand,” explains Daniel Bekerman when we asked him about his talents. But it’s not only that, he adds. “You of course have to use your creativity as well to find quick and good solutions.”
Auditiv Audiovisuais, Daniel and his partner João Escada gained international reputation as audio consultants for the biggest events around the globe. Auditiv is a company with many skills that is well prepared. They have experience with television since they have worked with a lot of Portuguese TV shows.
“We prepare very well for jobs because we only have one chance, whether it is an audience of 400 or 40,000,” explains Bekerman. Many big productions put their trust in the hands of Auditiv and Bekerman because of his wholeistic approach. Sound is his main profession, but the used-to-be watchmaker has always loved every single part of a show, including lighting, camera and stage. Bekerman embraces all of his events and therefore puts in a lot of effort to understand every job that is needed to host an event successfully.
“We always try to improve our equipment and knowledge,” says Bekerman. For example, he had to learn to find a better balance between his extremely time-consuming job and his family. “I see things from more points of view now.” Part of this is to stop mixing a show on its own. Bekerman learned that within an event his responsibility is being an advocate for all teams to make them focus on their jobs. He sometimes acts as a “firefighter” when certain parts of the show really need help.
Auditiv Audiovisuais found its climax of success in 2018 with the Eurovision Song Contest being hosted in Lisbon, Portugal. “It was a dream to do the ESC, I have never expected that.” From this point, everything was possible. To make the biggest Live Music event in the world a success, Auditiv partnered up with Sennheiser and it’s local distributor Magnelusa. “We chose Sennheiser because I was working with them since the beginning of my career and I have always loved the quality of their products” Bekerman says. With 82 channels of Digital 6000, the Eurovision Song Contest usually exceeds known limits. Aside from managing hundreds of transmitters (74x SK 6000, 68x SKM 6000, 21x L 6000), the Auditiv team managed 34 Inear monitoring channels with 112 receivers of Sennheiser’s EK 2000 IEM as well.
“The impact of shows might be different, but the responsibility is always the same,” says Bekerman. “We must provide the maximum quality inside the given budget, whether it is the Eurovision Song Contest or Got Talent Spain.”
For Bekerman, music does not step aside in his personal life. “I’ve always liked music and sound.” And he does not miss any opportunity to enjoy it—in the office, in the car or at home all day long. He likes most genres but admits to having a preference for smyphonic music due to its complexity. And with Auditiv Audiovisuais, the Managing Partner passes on all his knowledge to others. Spending multiple months in Angola in 2004, Bekerman helped to build up a new TV station from scratch after the civil war ended in 2002. His mission was to teach flawless workflows for sound engineers and presenters to allow for proper broadcasting, as well as advisory for technical components and general channel coordination. It was a big challenge with regular power outages and traffic that held up the crew for hours. But the effort turned into great success since many people started watching the show in Angola. With all that experience, Bekerman calls himself a lucky guy. With all the things he learned during his 38-year career, he is much quieter and easier going nowadays. “Life is based on opportunities that you sometimes have to accept and sometimes decline. And only time will tell if we did well,” he adds.
As most parts of the industry, Auditiv has been hit by COVID too. “In March 2020, we received 27 cancelations and postponements in one day,” explains the studied electrician. Almost all TV shows were rescheduled while all shows with bands were completely canceled. “I don´t know the future.” That is how Bekerman replies about his upcoming projects that are all in some way affected by the COVID crisis. But he stays optimistic at the same time. As far as he knows now, he is going to Tokyo in July 2021 for the Olympics. He just recently received an updated time schedule. With his extensive experience, he will help local engineers with consultation. Always by his side, his creativity and imagination that helps deliver great shows in both his head and on stages around the globe.
“I have always loved systems. I can see the systems in my head. So for me, it’s easy to imagine the show in my head beforehand,” explains Daniel Bekerman when we asked him about his talents. But it’s not only that, he adds. “You of course have to use your creativity as well to find quick and good solutions.”
It was a dream to do the Eurovision Song Contest
Auditiv Audiovisuais, Daniel and his partner João Escada gained international reputation as audio consultants for the biggest events around the globe. Auditiv is a company with many skills that is well prepared. They have experience with television since they have worked with a lot of Portuguese TV shows.
“We prepare very well for jobs because we only have one chance, whether it is an audience of 400 or 40,000,” explains Bekerman. Many big productions put their trust in the hands of Auditiv and Bekerman because of his wholeistic approach. Sound is his main profession, but the used-to-be watchmaker has always loved every single part of a show, including lighting, camera and stage. Bekerman embraces all of his events and therefore puts in a lot of effort to understand every job that is needed to host an event successfully.
“We always try to improve our equipment and knowledge,” says Bekerman. For example, he had to learn to find a better balance between his extremely time-consuming job and his family. “I see things from more points of view now.” Part of this is to stop mixing a show on its own. Bekerman learned that within an event his responsibility is being an advocate for all teams to make them focus on their jobs. He sometimes acts as a “firefighter” when certain parts of the show really need help.
Auditiv Audiovisuais found its climax of success in 2018 with the Eurovision Song Contest being hosted in Lisbon, Portugal. “It was a dream to do the ESC, I have never expected that.” From this point, everything was possible. To make the biggest Live Music event in the world a success, Auditiv partnered up with Sennheiser and it’s local distributor Magnelusa. “We chose Sennheiser because I was working with them since the beginning of my career and I have always loved the quality of their products” Bekerman says. With 82 channels of Digital 6000, the Eurovision Song Contest usually exceeds known limits. Aside from managing hundreds of transmitters (74x SK 6000, 68x SKM 6000, 21x L 6000), the Auditiv team managed 34 Inear monitoring channels with 112 receivers of Sennheiser’s EK 2000 IEM as well.
“The impact of shows might be different, but the responsibility is always the same,” says Bekerman. “We must provide the maximum quality inside the given budget, whether it is the Eurovision Song Contest or Got Talent Spain.”
In March 2020, we received 27 cancelations and postponements in one day
For Bekerman, music does not step aside in his personal life. “I’ve always liked music and sound.” And he does not miss any opportunity to enjoy it—in the office, in the car or at home all day long. He likes most genres but admits to having a preference for smyphonic music due to its complexity. And with Auditiv Audiovisuais, the Managing Partner passes on all his knowledge to others. Spending multiple months in Angola in 2004, Bekerman helped to build up a new TV station from scratch after the civil war ended in 2002. His mission was to teach flawless workflows for sound engineers and presenters to allow for proper broadcasting, as well as advisory for technical components and general channel coordination. It was a big challenge with regular power outages and traffic that held up the crew for hours. But the effort turned into great success since many people started watching the show in Angola. With all that experience, Bekerman calls himself a lucky guy. With all the things he learned during his 38-year career, he is much quieter and easier going nowadays. “Life is based on opportunities that you sometimes have to accept and sometimes decline. And only time will tell if we did well,” he adds.
As most parts of the industry, Auditiv has been hit by COVID too. “In March 2020, we received 27 cancelations and postponements in one day,” explains the studied electrician. Almost all TV shows were rescheduled while all shows with bands were completely canceled. “I don´t know the future.” That is how Bekerman replies about his upcoming projects that are all in some way affected by the COVID crisis. But he stays optimistic at the same time. As far as he knows now, he is going to Tokyo in July 2021 for the Olympics. He just recently received an updated time schedule. With his extensive experience, he will help local engineers with consultation. Always by his side, his creativity and imagination that helps deliver great shows in both his head and on stages around the globe.